Photo: Kim Gottlieb-Walker
Contact Us - Locations
Please direct all correspondence and payments to our main office on Denrock Avenue. Mediations are generally conducted at the conference offices of the Beverly Hills Bar Association (see below). In appropriate cases, arrangements can be made to meet at counsel's offices or another, neutral location, upon mutual agreement of the parties. Travel time to alternate locations is generally chargeable, unless half- or full-day rates are selected.
During current pandemic conditions, Zoom videoconference mediation sessions may continue to be the preferred forum for counsel and their clients. Mr. Gottlieb has successfully conducted numerous such sessions and is amenable to continuing in this mode upon request and the mutual agreement of the parties.
Glenn M. Gottlieb
Gottlieb Mediation
7482 Denrock Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90045
(310) 645-8824 (land)
(213) 718-8111 (mobile)
Click here to email Glenn
Mediation Offices Location
Beverly Hills Bar Association
9420 Wilshire Blvd., 2nd Floor
Beverly Hills, CA 90212
tel: (310) 601-2422
Click here for the general website of the Beverly Hills Bar Association.
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